Business Directory
Select a Business
- 12 Hour Delivery
- 7 Lakes Wilderness Camps
- Aboriginal Head Start
- Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay
- Angelo's Auto Inc.
- Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek- Lake Nipigon Reserve
- Anishinabek Police Services
- Ara Lake Camp Ltd.
- Ara Meta Stone Outpost Camps
- Aroland Band & Council
- Astrocom Cablevision Inc.
- B.A. Parker Public School
- Barino Construction Limited - Home Hardware
- Bauer's Onaman Lake Cabins and Outposts
- Beardmore Child Care Centre
- Beardmore Community Centre
- Beardmore Public School
- Beardmore Regional Health Centre
- Beaulieu Bus Lines Ltd
- Between Bridges Inn
- Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishnabek - Rocky Bay First Nation
- Boreal Forest Outfitters
- Brace Lake Outfitters Inc.
- Bush Lake Resort
- C & J Computer Clinic
- Caisse Populaire Alliance Limitée
- Canada Post outlets
- Canadian Aboriginal Fine Arts
- Canadian National Railway
- Caramat Community Club
- Castlebar Lake Lodge
- Cay Equipment
- Centr'Elles
- Centre Culturel Francophone de Geraldton
- Centre de formation pour adultes de Greenstone
- Children's Aid Society
- Cindy's Diner
- Cloutier Contracting
- Community Baptist Church of Beardmore
- Confederation College
- Contact North
- Cordingley Lake Cabins
- Daneff's Food Market
- Deroy's Bait Sales & Repairs
- Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
- District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board
- DLD Services
- Dr. Larry Simpson
- Drowning In Ink Tanning
- Drowning In Ink Tattoos
- École Notre Dame de Fatima
- École secondaire Château-Jeunesse
- École St-Joseph
- Esnagami Lodge
- Faith City Church
- Fajo Solutions
- Fawcett Funeral Home
- First General Services Greenstone
- Flint Wilderness Resort
- Four Winds Motel
- Freshslice Pizza
- G-Town Taxi
- Gathering Lake Outfitters
- GEDC Business Centre
- Geraldton Community Centre
- Geraldton Community Forest Inc
- Geraldton Composite High School
- Geraldton Country Club Bar & Grille
- Geraldton Curling Club
- Geraldton Day Care
- Geraldton District Hospital
- Geraldton Fitness Centre
- Geraldton Medical Group
- Geraldton Nordic Ski Club
- Geraldton Public Library
- Get in Gear
- Giiwedin Services and Rentals
- Ginoogaming First Nation Band Office
- Ginoogaming First Nation Health Centre
- Got Wood Castle Building Supplies
- Greenstone Dental Geraldton Office
- Greenstone Dental Longlac Office
- Greenstone EarlyON
- Greenstone Family Health Team
- Greenstone Gold Mines
- Greenstone Motel
- Greenstone Municipal Economic Development
- Greenstone Regional Airport
- Greenstone Regional Skills Centre
- Greenstone Small Engine Repair
- Greenstone Transportation Services
- Greenstone Victim Services
- Greenstone Welding
- Grill 26
- Groomer Has It - Greenstone
- HardRock Equipment Contracting Corp
- Hospice Northwest
- J.T. Memorial School
- Jen's Hair Design
- Jinky's No Frills
- JK Apparel Greenstone
- Joel's Live Bait
- Jordan's Services
- Kennedy General Contracting
- Kenogamisis Golf Club
- Kenogamisis Lake Resort
- Kinna-Aweya Legal Clinic
- Klotz Lake Camp
- Korex Core Racks
- Lake Nipigon Fishing Adventures
- Larry's 24-hour Towing & Repair
- Le Club des Francophones
- Le Groupe Ado Franco de Greenstone
- Leo Furoy Repair Service
- Leuenberger Air Service Ltd.
- Leuenberger Custom Designs
- Leuenberger's Kag Lodge
- Levesque Workshop
- Lochlomond Lodge
- Long Lake #58 General Store
- Long Lake #58 Health Centre
- Longlac Auto Centre
- Longlac Bed & Breakfast
- Longlac Cross Country Ski Club
- Longlac FreshMart
- Longlac Inn & Restaurant
- Longlac Lodge & Cabins
- Longlac Pentecostal Assembly
- Longlac Pizzaria & Steakhouse
- Longlac Public Library
- Longlac Senior Citizens Centre
- Longlac Sportsplex
- Lower Twin Lakes Lodge
- Lukinto Lake Lodge
- MacIver's Auto Service Inc.
- Manitoulin Transport
- Marcel Bedard Electrical Contractor Ltd.
- Marino Hardware
- Marjorie Mills Public School
- Matawa First Nations Mgmt.
- Medical Services Clinic
- Meta Lake Lodge
- Métis Nation of Ontario
- Migizi Wazisin Elementary School
- Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
- Mobile Metalworks
- Moss Bag Baby's & Ribbon Skirt Dolls
- MTW Employment Services
- Municipality of Greenstone
- Nakina Air Service
- Nakina Community Centre
- Nakina Heritage Corporation
- Nakina Medical Clinic
- Nakina Public School
- Nakina Senior Citizen Room
- Namegosikaa Outfitters
- Ne-Daa-Kii-Me-Naan Inc.
- Nicole's Variety and Gifts
- Nimiki Migizi High School
- Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services
- Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service
- North of Superior Programs
- Northern Nights Bed & Breakfast
- Northern Peak HR
- Northwood Lodging
- NorWest Community Health Ctr.
- Notre-Dame-des-Écoles
- O'Sullivan Lake Outfitters
- O'Sullivan's Rainbow
- Ogoki Lake Outfitters
- Onaman River Resort
- Ontario Addiction Treatment Centre
- Ontario Clean Water Agency
- Ontario Provincial Police
- Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School
- PACE - People Advocating for Change through Empowerment Inc.
- Paradise Bakery
- Pasha Lake Cabins
- Pennock's / Shores Motel
- Pepco Corp.
- Pietsch Group Inc.
- Popeye's Restaurant
- Property FX Contracting
- Purolator Courier Ltd.
- Queen of Clubs Pizza Place
- Queen's Chinese Food
- R & D Apartments
- R & L Contracting
- R.Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport
- Ran-Dan Motel
- Ranger Tire Sales / OK Tire
- Ray & Doris Truck Parts / Raymond Bolduc Trucking
- RDR Home Renovations
- Recon Air Corporation
- Reelwood Mfg
- Renes
- Rexall Pharmacy
- Robin's Donuts / 2-4-1 Pizza
- Ron's Signs & Graphics
- Rotiss-A-Fry
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Royal Canadian Legion
- Rural North Plumbing & Contracting Inc.
- Service Canada
- ServiceOntario
- Signature North Realty
- Southland Transportation
- Spirit Stone Creations
- Spot On Convenience
- Spun Wool
- St. Andrew's Presbyterian and St. James' Anglican Shared Ministry
- St. Brigid Catholic School
- St. Brigid's Parish
- St. Joseph Catholic School
- St. Theresa Parish
- Stedmans V&S Department Store
- Sun Life Insurance of Canada
- Superior Greenstone ACL
- Superior Sight & Sound
- Superior Strategies
- TD Canada Trust
- The Academy for First Aid and Safety
- The Bargain Shop
- Thunder Bay Dist. Health Unit
- Thunderbird Friendship Centre
- Thunderbird Friendship Centre - Longlac
- Tikinagan Child & Family Services
- Times Star Publishing Ltd.
- Top Notch Carwash
- Twin Lake Outfitters and Wilderness Camps
- Westland Insurance
- White Wolf Resort
- Wild Country Sports
- Wild Goose Lake Campground
- Wild Goose Lake Resort
- Woodcrest Confectionery
Northern Peak HR
Contact Information
Aastha Malhotra
105 May St N, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3N9
(807) 355-0259
Northern Peak HR Consulting is a dynamic and dedicated Human Resources consulting firm established in 2022, specializing in delivering customized HR solutions across various sectors in Northwestern Ontario. Our mission is to support businesses in optimizing their HR functions, enhancing workplace efficiency, and fostering a culture of compliance and excellence.
Our Services
At Northern Peak HR Consulting, we offer a comprehensive suite of HR services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Our primary services include:
1. Recruitment and Selection: We manage the full recruitment lifecycle, from crafting job postings to conducting interviews and background checks, ensuring the right fit for your organization.
2. Health and Safety Management: We conduct audits, site inspections, and safety training programs to ensure your workplace complies with health and safety regulations.
3. Labour Relations: Our team provides expert advice and support in unionized environments, including grievance procedures, arbitration management, and collective bargaining.
4. Training and Development: We facilitate a wide range of training programs to enhance employee skills and organizational capabilities.
5. Organizational Development: We assist in developing robust HR policies and procedures, fostering a positive workplace culture, and enhancing overall organizational performance.
Our Team
Our team comprises experienced HR professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise in various industries. We bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to each engagement, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality service and solutions tailored to their specific needs.
Why Choose Us
Northern Peak HR Consulting stands out for its commitment to personalized service and results-driven approach. We understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in different industries and work closely with our clients to develop and implement effective HR strategies.
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